Nightlong: Union
City Conspiracy
The Journeyman
Project 2: Buried in Time
Broken Sword II:
The Smoking Mirror
47. Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor
46. Manhunter
San Francisco
45. Manhunter
New York
Leisure Suit
Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
43. Larry
Vales II:
Dead Girls are Easy
42. Fran Bow
41. Sanitarium
The Journeyman
Project 3: Legacy of Time
39. Simon
the Sorcerer 2
38. Shadowgate
37. Indiana Jones and the Last Cusade
Space Quest 3:
The Pirates of Pestulon
35. The Uncertainty Machine
34. Cruise for a Corpse
33. Syberia 1
32. Scratches
Broken Sword: The
Shadow of the Templars
30. Beneath a Steel Sky
29. The Book of Spells
28. A Vampyre Story
27. The Cat Lady
26. Future Wars:
Time Travellers
25. Blackstone Chronicles
Zak McKracken and
the Alien Mindbenders
23. Lost
Chronicles of Zerzura |
22. Flight of the Amazon Queen
Leisure Suit
Larry 7: Love for Sail!
Gabriel Knight 2:
The Beast Within
19. The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
18. Pleurghburg Dark Ages
17. Thimbleweed Park
16. Uninvited
15. Simon the Sorcerer 1
The Curse of
Monkey Island
13. Maniac Mansion
12. Day of the Tentacle
11. Loom
Leisure Suit
Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating
9. The Whispered World
8. Discworld Noir
7. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
6. Temujin
5. Gabriel
Knight: Sins of the Fathers
4. The Longest Journey
3. The
Secret of Monkey Island
2. Grim Fandango
1. Monkey Island 2:
LeChuck's Revenge