(Click on images to enlarge)

That's exactly what we did.
The tournament room.
Alkis with the organizer Sascha and his girfriend, Desiree.
The Germans knew how to party!
The other organizer Jorg, with Wolf and Mark at the restaurant.
Nick and Alessandro.
Mel and Mark 'Durban' Williams.
Nikos, Alkis and Mark.
Claire and Robert.
Alessandro between the Torchio brothers.
Gianluca and Alkis.
Kick Off action
Kick Off action - 2
Kick Off action -3
Pascal and Jan.
Mario and Maurizio.
Different styles of play.
Emotions in front of the camera.
More emotions.
The people are waiting for the finals to begin.
Olaf is blowing the Trophy of Shame.
Thorsten with the Trophy of Shame.
KOA Cup winner.
"Italians are the best, sorry."
KOA Cup Runner-Up.
Jorn with the Kick Off drink.
The trophies.
The quarter finalists.
The semi finalists.
The finalists.
The 3rd Place winner.
The Runner Up.
The winner takes it all.

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